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更新时间:2024-11-05 16:49  浏览量:20



卓文君和司马相如的爱情故事让人扼腕叹息,那一句《白头吟》中“愿得一心人,白头不相离。”如今更是许多人的社交签名,邓超予用现代的笔法重新诠释了这一阙词,“今生只求一人一心和我 牵手到白头 死生契阔”,将女子对爱情的追求诠释得更加符合现代女性的热烈勇敢。








看满园姹紫嫣红 佳人只影

叹花容月貌 空对着良辰美景

低眉敛目懒梳妆 情思昏昏

问世间 情不知所起 无踪影

流光容易抛 一晌贪欢里旧梦难寻

从此后 为情伤 为情困


盼再相逢 盼入梦 牡丹亭里诉衷情

牡丹亭 情不知所起 何处寻

流年恰似水 梁上燕子惊醒梦中人

无限恨 恨灯寒 恨天明


难再相逢 难入梦 牡丹亭里续前生

牡丹亭 千古绝恋吟咏至今

看花人人比花瘦 颓垣断井

乱煞年光遍 寂寞空庭倚栏风冷

千古一梦牡丹亭 繁花落尽

千古一梦牡丹亭 繁花落尽



Whisper From Pipa·The Peony Pavilion

The Peony Pavilion, a poetic masterpiece throughout the ages till


The beauty was alone in the garden blazed with color.

My sorrow is endi.I hate the piercimHow hard to mein the dream.

Pity the beauty alone in such a beautiful scene,

with her eyes folded and casual dressing, was so sleepy because

of silent love.

Worldly love seems a spark from nowhere without any traces.

Time does not wait, I could only seek for pleasures in my dream. Old days were forever gone.

Since then, I have been hurt and stranded by love.

I have to endure the loneliness in lovesickness.

How I expect to meet and speak my mind again in the Peony Pavilion in the dream.

Love seems a spark from nowhere in the Peony Pavilion, so where could I regain this love?

The passing years are like the running stream, The swallows onthe beam send me a wake-up call.

My sorrow is endless in cold light until daybreak.

I hate the piercing west wind but without any reason.

How hard to meet and continue our love in the Peony Pavilionin the dream.

The desperate love in the Peony Pavilion has been chanted tothis day.

The beauty is more frail than the flower in such a scene ofdevastation.

Through all the brilliant riot of the new season, she is yearningin cold wind in the desolate garden.

The Peony Pavilion, just a dream throughout the ages, falls like fowers


Whisper From Pipa composed by Master Lin Hai is tactful and profound, twistingand turning repeatedly, which is one of my favorite melodies, While The Peon)Pavilion is one of my favorite books. Hence I wrote the poem above, Whisper FromPipa·The Peony Pavilion.
