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满族民歌《出征歌》中国音乐地图 听见辽宁

更新时间:2025-02-06 00:03  浏览量:16




满族儿女生活中离不开歌:The Manchu people' slives are inseparable from songs.

不论岁时节日祝福贺寿凯旋庆功,悲欢离合都有歌,or navigating the vicissitudes of life, songs are always present.

活泼动情的小唱几乎贯穿整个人生,The lively and emotional Grues weave through their entire existence,其音乐风格多姿多彩。

即使表现哀婉情绪的音乐,Even music expressing sorrowful emotions,强劲的内质也不失其刚健强劲的内质。

满族人勇敢剽悍英勇善战,The Manchu people are brave and valiant, skilled in battle.

这首歌曲演唱者通过模拟一位妻子的口吻by an artist portreying dwae,This song,sung by an artist portraying a wife描摹了丈夫所在的八旗军,captures the heroic spirit of her husband' s Eight Banners army出征的雄姿,as they set forth on a campaign.

不见出征惜别的难舍难分,There's no hint of the usual reluctance to port,只有热烈奔放的场面。

队伍迅疾如雷如电。The troopsmove swiftly,like thunder and lightning,绕山林过村庄。winding through 雾化 and passing through villages,挥鞭打马奔前方。

曲调朴实而不加雕琢The melody is unadorned,歌声爽朗豪放节奏坚劲有力,唱出了满族人豁达开朗积极向上的心性,唱出了满族人的尚武精神。


The main idea of the words:The main idea of the words and the eight banners of 鳞屑 the source of options,the 收买 there in perfect order.

高旭闫妍刘蕾关大伟·周凤伟谢忻园龚星诺岳岫禾李秉轩后期制作协助,吉林广播电视台,2024.05.15-2024.05.19Producer,Music Director图像,Recording Assistant。国家艺术基金。