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更新时间:2024-09-27 01:01  浏览量:36






「IMX 国际音乐季」是全球音乐产业创新博览季。致力以音乐看世界,为音乐创价值,以展会、论坛、展演等形式,以不断创新的承载与传播方式,汇聚全球最具影响力、创造力的音乐行业从业者,连接全球各领域商业成功且极具开拓精神的创新者,探索音乐价值,促进全球经验共享,促成商业合作与贸易,推动全球音乐产业同频共进。

「IMX 国际音乐季」每年10月开启。三届至今已有全球超一千家音乐与商业机构参与,来自62个国家和地区的585位行业精英贡献了超过211场精彩论坛,超过3700位艺术家登陆 IMX 向全球展演,全球媒体总曝光量已超76亿次。IMX 已成为全球音乐产业年度期待的商业、科技与文化交流创新博览季。

IMX stands as the leading annual music innovation expo, reimagining the world through the lens of music and amplifying its value. Every year, IMX provides an unmatched platform for industry leaders, innovators, and music enthusiasts worldwide to connect and forge meaningful collaborations.

IMX commences every October, establishing itself as a pinnacle event in the global music calendar. We've seen strong engagement from over 1000 leading music and business entities spanning 62 nations and territories. The event has been graced with insights from 585 of the industry's leading professionals through over 211 enlightening conference forums. With more than 3,700 artists showcasing their talents on the IMX stage, we've garnered an impressive media exposure exceeding 7.6 billion views globally. IMX has solidified its reputation as an indispensable rendezvous for business, technological, and cultural intersections in the music sphere.

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