更新时间:2025-03-28 14:48 浏览量:5
乘着音乐的翅膀,Umit Isgorur的心轻盈地滑过成都三月的油菜花田,在春日的暖阳下翩然起舞。这是他在成都迎来的第3个春天,此刻,《巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲》在他的琴弦上流淌,眼前黄色的花海随风摇曳,幻化成家乡伊兹密尔市的黄水仙。跨越千山万水,历遍音乐之都,Umit Isgorur的心在成都找到了休憩之所。
Umit Isgorur出生于土耳其伊兹密尔市,从10岁开始学习大提琴,他的音乐生涯已超过50年。他曾一手创办了土耳其多库兹埃利大学交响乐团,是土耳其第一个终身大提琴教授。他也曾在美国的多所交响乐团担任首席大提琴手,并在德国、法国、意大利、希腊、厄瓜多尔、古巴和美国等地举办过多场音乐会和大师班。在接到成都大学中国-东盟艺术学院邀请的同时,Umit Isgorur也接到了德国一所音乐学院的邀请,最终他欣然接受了成都的教职:“东方的文化吸引着我,我想去看看一个不同的世界。”
Umit Isgorur在油菜花田里演奏《巴赫无伴奏大提琴组曲》
在成都大学中国-东盟艺术学院教授音乐专业课程,Umit Isgorur的学生来自俄罗斯、巴西和东盟国家。学生们都喜欢这位有趣的外国专家,他常常穿着鲜艳的衣衫来上课,试唱练耳课程结束后,他还会给表现良好的学生们分发糖果。“是的,你注意到了我的衣服有粉色的、红色的、黄色的……我喜欢穿着多彩的颜色,连我的鞋子也是彩色的,每天早上我会根据当天的心情来选择我穿着的颜色,这是因为成都就是一座多彩的城市。”
除了授课,Umit Isgorur也参加学校的音乐会等演出。2024年,他与同是小提琴演奏家Issac Ormaza Vera在东安湖畔以弦乐二重奏联袂演绎了探戈名曲《一步之遥》,以华丽而充满激情的表演诠释了音乐的魅力。而在2025年,他选择以巴赫的名曲来致意成都的春天。巴赫的《无伴奏大提琴组曲》被称为“宇宙之声”,是巴洛克音乐的代表之作。作品呈现出恢宏而辽阔、深邃而充满勃勃生机的意境,那是他心目中的成都。
作为资深的音乐家和教育家,Umit Isgorur对成都的音乐环境赞不绝口:“这里音乐氛围浓厚,交响乐团众多,音乐厅和剧院众多,演出纷繁。我非常希望有更多机会参与这里的演出,同时我也希望能够引导更多的年轻人爱上古典音乐。”他认为成都气候适宜,建议可常年举办露天音乐会。
Umit Isgorur正在给学生授课
成都和伊兹密尔是友城,Umit Isgorur觉得两座城市有许多共同点:怡人的气候、香辣的美食、闲适的氛围……“所以我在成都没有异乡人的感觉,倒觉得亲切熟悉。”
在成都生活的时间越长,Umit Isgorur越爱这里。他说:“尽管我是一个音乐人,我的大部分生活都是沉浸在音乐当中,围绕音乐而展开,但我仍然能够从很多方面感受到成都的城市魅力。成都非常注重保留传统文化,人们非常友善、热情、平和,遍地美食。与此同时,成都城市发展非常迅速,交通发达便利,生活环境舒适,音乐氛围浓厚。是一座把传统与潮流、文化与发展结合得非常完美的城市。”
演奏中的Umit Isgorur
演奏中的Umit Isgorur(右一)
日日置身美食之都,Umit Isgorur重拾烹饪的乐趣。“我喜欢把土耳其菜和川菜的做法融合在一起,混搭食材和调料,比如,在制作传统的土耳其炸肉丸时,既使用洋葱,也混合香菜,同时还用葵花籽油替代橄榄油,制作它们的过程,常常带给我许多灵感。”Umit说,朋友们和学生们都很喜欢他的创新菜式,他们常常围聚在他身边,品尝他亲手烹制的美食。
Umit Isgorur喜欢在空闲时间翻阅乐谱
3月23日,Umit Isgorur在成都度过了他61岁的生日,朋友们和学生们陪着他一起庆祝,专门去吃了一家成都的烧烤美食,这在他的成都记忆中,又添上了美好的一页。“如果可以,我愿意一生都栖居在此。”
On the Wings of song | My Heart Finds Home
Soaring on the wings of music, Umit Isgorur’s heart glides lightly over the canola flowers' fields in March Chengdu, dancing gracefully under the warm spring sun. This is his third spring in Chengdu, and as The Bach Cello Suites flow from his strings, the golden sea of flowers sways in the breeze, transforming into the daffodil-covered landscapes of his hometown, Izmir. Having travelled around the world and wandered through musical capitals, Umit has found a resting place for his heart in Chengdu.
"I’d like to pay tribute to Chengdu’s spring with Bach’s suites."
Born in Izmir, Turkiye, Professor Umit Isgorur began learning the cello at the age of 10, and his musical career has spanned over 50 years. He founded the Dokuz Eylul University Symphony Orchestra in Turkiye and became the country’s first tenured cello professor. He has also served as principal cellist in several American orchestras and held concerts and masterclasses in Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Ecuador, Cuba, and the United States. When he received an invitation from the College of Chinese and ASEAN Arts of Chengdu University, he was also offered a position at a music conservatory in Germany. Yet he gladly accepted the teaching role in Chengdu: *"Eastern culture fascinates me. I wanted to see a different world."*
Teaching cello at the College of Chinese and ASEAN Arts of Chengdu University, Umit Isgorur’s students hail from Russia, Brazil, South Korea, and ASEAN countries. They all adore their vibrant professor, who often arrives in brightly colored clothes for class. After ear-training exercises, he rewards well-performing students with candies. "Yes, you’ve noticed my clothes—pink, red, yellow… I love wearing vibrant colors, even my shoes are colorful. Every morning, I choose my clothes based on my mood, I do this because Chengdu itself is a colourful city."
Beyond teaching, Professor Umit also performs in college concerts. In 2024, he and his colleague, violinist Issac Ormaza Vera, delivered a passionate rendition of the tango classic Por Una Cabeza by Dong’an Lake, their strings weaving a dazzling interpretation of musical charm. In 2025, he chose to honor Chengdu’s spring with Bach’s masterpiece Suites For Solo Cello No.1 , hailed as the "voice of the cosmos" , are a pinnacle of Baroque music—grand, profound, and teeming with vitality, much like the Chengdu city in his heart.
As an accomplished musician and educator, Umit Isgorur speaks highly of Chengdu’s musical environment: "The music scene here is vibrant, with numerous orchestras, concert halls, and theaters hosting frequent performances. I’d love more opportunities to participate in local concerts while inspiring younger generations to fall in love with classical music."* He also notes Chengdu’s warm climate and suggests hosting open-air concerts year-round.
"I’d love to make my home here."
Chengdu and Izmir are sister cities, and Umit finds many similarities between them: agreeable weather, spicy cuisine, and a leisurely pace of life. "So I never feel like an outsider in Chengdu—it’s more like a familiar and friendly place."
The longer he lives in Chengdu, the more Professor Umit adores it. "Though I’m a musician, and much of my life revolves around music, I still experience Chengdu’s charm in many ways. The city treasures its traditions, its people are warm and welcoming, and taste food is everywhere. At the same time, Chengdu is rapidly developing—with efficient transportation, comfortable living conditions, and rich musicial atmosphere. It’s a perfect blend of heritage and modernity, culture and progress."
Amid global economic uncertainty, Chengdu’s vitality and consumer energy leave a deep impression on him. "This is a city that never sleeps. Even at 2 a.m., people can quick Didi ride to anywhere to get delicious food..""I use Taobao—there, I can buy anything, cheap and high-quality. It’s magical." "I love China’s new energy vehicles. They’re everywhere on Chengdu’s streets." The natural beauty and restful atmosphere of this "park city" often pluck at his musician’s heartstrings: "Parks and scenic spots are everywhere. Sipping tea leisurely at Heming Teahouse in People’s Park reminds me of lazy afternoons by the Aegean Sea in Izmir."*
Surrounded by culinary delights daily, Umit Isgorur has rediscovered the joy of cooking. "I love blending Turkish and Sichuan cooking, mixing ingredients and spices. For example, when making traditional Turkish meatballs, I use both onions and cilantro, and substitute sunflower oil for olive oil. The process often sparks inspiration." Umit says his friends and students adore his fusion dishes, often gathering in his small apartment at Chengdu University to savor his creations.
On March 23, Umit Isgorur celebrated his 61st birthday in Chengdu, surrounded by friends and students who treated him to a local barbecue feast—another beautiful memory in his Chengdu story. "If it is possible, I’d love to live throught my life in Chengdu."
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